By September 17, 2020

Spend the night in the Arizona desert and one of the first sounds you’ll hear in the morning is the distinctive call of the quail. This ground bird is found in many parts of the United States, including the southwest. Quails are small, plump birds with brown to bluish-gray feathers. A plume on the tops of their heads bob as they walk.


In spring and summer, you’ll see mother quails walking through the desert or grasslands, their babies trailing behind them. Quails are sometimes hunted for their meat. In some places, they have been hunted almost to extinction.

Fun Facts about Quails for Kids

  • Quails eat seeds, grain and insects.
  • Quails can lay 10 to 20 eggs at one time.
  • Catsskunksfoxsnakesowls and dogs hunt quail.
  • Quails usually live alone, but they form flocks in the fall.
  • Quails can only fly a short distance.